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Journal Articles
Reproducibility studies on OCT rapid and repeated scanning method for the diagnosis of glaucoma
Pages: 685-687
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: International Journal of Ophthalmology

Keyword:  optical coherence tomographyglaucomareproducibility study;
Abstract: AIM:To evaluate the application ofoptical coherence tom ography( OCT) and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness( RNFL) measured by rapid and repeated methods in the diagnosis of glaucom a repeated significance.METHODS:Stratus OCT were measured in 38 normal subjects and 42 patients with the prim ary RNFL thickness of open angle glaucom a patients.Rapid and repeated scanning was applied respectively to m easure the RNFL thickness of patients with norm al and prim ary open angle glaucom a.The average RNFL thickness’ s related coefficient and various coefficient of the tem poral,upper,lower and nasal region m ade reproducibility assessm ent.RESULTS:In normal and primary open angle glaucoma patients,the overall average RNFL thickness and lateral tem poral,above,nasal,below RNFL thickness,in which two groups did not show differences;repeated scanning average RNFL thickness was m easured in fast scanning schem e around the optic disc,and had higher ICC and lower value of CV,there were significant differences in the tem poral region( P = 0.042).The tem poral,nasal,upper and lower area of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness of the ICC( CV) values were as follows:fast scan was 0.918( 7.2%),0.831( 6.82%),0.856( 5.12%),0.911( 7.19%);repeated scans were 0.927( 3.21%),0.962( 5.01%),0.909( 6.02%),0.869( 4.67%),0.918( 6.89%). CONCLUSION:In normal subjects and patients with prim ary open angle glaucom a,the application of rapid and repeated scanning in m easurem ent of RNFL with OCT thickness has repeated significance,but repeated scanning schem e in the assessm ent of RNFL thickness is m ore accurate.
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