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Effects of Artificial Operational on Stand Structure of Natural Acidosasa hirtiflora
Author(s): XU Tian, YANG Yu-ming, SUN Mao-sheng, YANG Han-qi
Pages: 23-
Year: 2014
Journal: Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology
Keyword: Acidosasa hirtiflora; nutrual forest; artificial operational; stand structure;
Abstract: Analyze and compare the changes in stand structure of Acidosasa hirtiflora after experiment ,the stand was natural bamboo stand in Daoyao Pingbian Yunnan ,in the middle of the hillside ,faced southeast ,sloped 12 °to 13 °and with the same soil.The result show that rariations of culm density was reduced ,from 124.73% reduced to 67.98%,old culm dereeased 4.63% and young culm increased 7.98%,average diameter an breast height was improved 1.9%,regularity of stand structure was improved to 2.876 ,uni-formity of stand structure was improved to 3.942 and it was has been the nomal -even stand.
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