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Journal Articles
Research Progress of Oxides Thermoelectric Materials
Pages: 237-244
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Inorganic Materials

Keyword:  oxidethermoelectric propertycobalt oxideperovskite-structuredreview;
Abstract: The oxides-based thermoelectric materials have been attracted widespread concerns due to their high temperature stability, oxidation resistance, safety and long-term durability, but their applications are limited by the thermoelectric properties. In this paper, the research progress on several typical oxides thermoelectric materials, e.g. layered cobalt oxides, perovskite-structured compounds, transparent conductive oxides and novel oxides are thoroughly discussed. In order to achieve the harmonization of thermal and electric properties in thermoelectric materials, the band structure and microstructure are depth regulated. The main issues for developing high performance thermoelectric oxides are analyzed, and some new ideas for further development are proposed.
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