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Journal Articles
Observation on efficacy and safety of the Tirofiban for the progressive stroke of poterior circulation
Pages: 197-198
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy

Keyword:  Progressive strokePosterior circulationTirofiban;
Abstract: Objective To explore the effectiveness and safety of the Tirofiban for the progressive stroke of posterior circulation. Methods The 24 cases meeting the diagnostic criterion were included in this study and devided into the treatment and control group. Tirofiban was added in treatment group on the base of drug use in control group. The score of NIHSS after treatment between two group were compared. Results The score of the treatment group was decreased significantly both 7 days and 30 days after added Tirofiban. But the number of severe disable case and death case between both groups were the same. No fatal bleeding case occurred in treatment group. Conclusion Tirofiban is safe for the progressive stroke of posterior circulaiton and can ameliorate the neurologic deficit, but can’t decrease the number of severe disable and death cases.
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