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Distribution of Nitrogen and Phosphorus, Assessment of Eutrophication for Water of Tongjia River in Nantong
Author(s): NAN Xu-jun, YE Lin-lin, LIU Bo, LI Dong-ming, School of Geologic Science, Nantong University, Control Station of Jiezhizha
Pages: 40-
Year: 2014
Journal: Journal of Nantong University(Natural Science)
Keyword: Nantong; tongjia river; distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus; eutrophication; water;
Abstract: Water samples were collected from Tongjia River in Nantong during, after and before diversion in 2013 summer. Various forms of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients and the environmental factors were analyzed and then the comprehensive eutrophication status index was calculated. These results suggested that the maximum values of total nitrogen concentrations were detected before the diversion in all the sampling sites. The maximum values of total phosphorus concentrations were detected in Longwangqiao before the diversion, which was detected in the others two sites(Falunsiqiao and Tonghaijiaohuichu) after the diversion. These results suggested that the concentrations of total nitrogen and phosphorus can be reduced by the diversion. The correlation between chlorophyll a and total nitrogen, nitrate and chemical oxygen demand was significant. The comprehensive eutrophication status index in Tongjia River was 73.74, 71.04 and 74.91 during, after and before the diversion respectively. Moreover, the highest eutrophication status index was detected in Longwangqiao, where the water can be categorized as the heavy eturophication level, and Falunsiqiao and Tonghaijiaohuichu categorized as the medium eutrophication level.
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