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Journal Articles
Extraction Process of Protocatechuic Acid in the Pinecone of Pinus yunnanensis
Pages: 4-6,7
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Dali University

Keyword:  Pinus yunnanensis Faranchpineconeprotocatechuic acidorthogonal test;
Abstract: Objective:To optimize the extraction process of the pinecone of protocatechuic acid in Pinus yunnanensis. Methods:Different solvents were used to extract protocatechuic acid in Pinus yunnanensis. Their extraction efficiency was taking as index;content was determined by using HPLC chromatography. Finally,L9 (34)orthogonal design experiment was used to determine the optimum the extraction process. Results:The optimum extraction process:with ethyl acetate as the extraction solvent,0.1 mol/L HCl 3 mL was added into it. Material-liquid ratio was 1∶40 (mg/mL);ultrasonic time 90 min;ultrasonic temperature 40℃. Conclusion:The Optimized extraction process is simple,stable and have high extraction rate.
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