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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Application of Portable Transportation Monitoring Equipment in Key Electric Power Material Supply
Pages: 607-609
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: East China Electric Power

Keyword:  portabletransportation monitoringtransportation qualitysupply supportquality controlthe Internet of things;
Abstract: Supply and transportation management of key power materials plays an important role in power supply chain and intensive material management. In the link of key material transportation,most of the materials are sent straightly to the field by suppliers. In this process,the traditional vehicle GPS devices are used to monitor vehicle operation, involving complex installation and debugging,and lack of transportation quality monitoring means( such as turbulence and overthrow). Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company analyzes the supervision and control requirements for key material transportation path. Then in combination with the the Internet of things technology,the portable transportation monitoring equipment is designed and applied,in order to realize the key material transportation path and quality monitoring and improve the quality of power supply security ability and whole process control level.
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