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Journal Articles
Exploration and Research on Learning Party Branches under the Platform of Mini Party Class
Pages: 167-168
Year: Issue:  13
Journal: Education Science & Culture Magazine

Keyword:  mini Party classParty constructionplatformlearningfront;
Abstract: Mini Party class is short and refined enduring 15~20 minutes, in which Party members, based on a topic, choose a tiny breakthrough to explain profound theories in simple language and scientifically and vividly expound a distinct and correct opinion, combined with their own learning, experience and feeling. This is a self-education style different from leaders and experts' lectures, and each Party member is the main instructor with all the student Party members as the object. Mini Party class has realized the shift of Party construction position from teaching areas to living areas. The support and construction of the living area front should be enhanced, so as to achieve the all-round coverage of student Party construction.
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