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Journal Articles
Research and Development of 185 mm ThicKness S355JR + N - Z35 Structural Steel Plate in European Standard
Pages: 13-17
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Wide and Heavy Plate

Keyword:  S355JR ﹢ N - Z35Heavy plateComposition designProcess design;
Abstract: Assisted by the design of composition and various processes such as composite slab manufacture,roll-ing and heat treatment,Jigang successfully develops 185 mm thickness S355JR ﹢ N - Z35 structural steel plate by u-sing various technological methods such as Nb,V,Ti microalloying,high temperature low speed heavy draft rolling,as- rolled plate stack cooling and normalizing. With a redundancy of yield strength and tensile strength over 40 MPa and 50 MPa respectively,average impact energy value at 20 ℃ over 200 J,average value of reduction of area ≥45% ,ul-trasonic flaw detection conforming to the stipulation of EN10160 S1 / E1 standard,the steel plate is of excellent mechan-ical properties and high internal quality.
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