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Journal Articles
Effects of Dietary Replacement of Fish Meal by Fermented Soybean Meal on Growth Performance and Body Composition of Juvenile Black Carp(Mylopharyngodon piceus)
Pages: 72-78
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Natural Science)

Keyword:  Mylopharyngodon piceusfish mealfermented soybean mealgrowth performancebody com-position;
Abstract: A 8-weeks feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the potential effects of replacement of fish meal by fermented soybean meal on the growth and body composition of juvenile black carp with initial weight of 2.00 ±0.08 g. Five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated to contain different levels of fer-mented soybean meal to replace fish meal 0 (D1), 25%(D2), 50%(D3), 75%(D4) and 100%(D5). The results in-dicated that the weight gain ratio (WGR), the specific growth ratio (SGR), the feed conversion ratio (FCR), the hepatopancreas somatic index (HIS) and the condition factor (CF) in fish fed D2 were not significantly different from the control group, respectively. The WGR, SGR, HIS and CF in fish fed D3-D5 were significantly lower the control group, while FCR was significantly higher than control group. Protein efficiency ratio (PER) signifi-cantly decreased with the increasing of the substitution percentage of fermented soybean meal, but the substi-tution had no significant effect on survival rate (SR), the intestine weight index and the intestine length index. The whole body moisture and crude protein content in fish fed D2 were not significantly different from the con-trol group. The whole body moisture content was significantly higher than the control group and crude protein content was significantly lower than the control group in fish fed D3-D5, but the body fat and ash content of the fish were not significantly different among all the dietary treatments. There were no significant differences in moisture, crude protein, fat and ash content of the muscle among dietary treatments. Under the condition of this experiment, 25% fish meal can be replaced by fermented soybean meal without any adverse effect on growth performance for juvenile black carp.
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