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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Discussion on the Regional Termite Control Technology Taking Ait Agent to Exterminate Termite in Villa as an Example
Pages: 160-161,164
Year: Issue:  7

Keyword:  regional termite control technologyait agenttermite in villa;
Abstract: The key of regional termite control technology is sustained suppression of termite populations activity in the independent large areas,which makes it not enough to harm,and strive to be technically feasible and economically affordable,minimum requirements can be met.Therefore,it should not highlight using of any single technology or a single product,when the concrete control measures were carried out,it should determine the appropriate technical measures,on the basis of the exploration range,the control range,termite species,the degree of harm,cooperation of the owners and other factors.That is the practical way to achieve the goal of controlling the population of regional termites.Using bait agent to exterminate termite in villa as an example,the regional termite control technology were discussed so as to provide the reference.
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