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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Synchronal Measurement of Thermal Gravity Drying Shrinkage and Its Application in Green Body of Guangxi Nixing Ceramics
Pages: 37-40
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: China Ceramics

Keyword:  Nixing Ceramic green bodythermal gravitydrying shrinkagedried body porosity.;
Abstract: A synchronal measurement of thermal gravity-drying shrinkage on green body of Guangxi Nixing ceramic is put forward, from which contineous weight loss and dimension shrinkage curves are obtained by computer data collection. Synchronal analisys indicates that, green body still contains certain amount of water while shrinkage completes basically, thus a simple calculation of dried body porosity is presented. This synchronal measurement is applied to investigate the drying and shrinkage characteristics of Guangxi Nixing ceramic green bodies containing flyash(1,2,3,4,and 5% respectively), the results indicate that, with 1% addition of flysah the green body presents a maximum water-loss speed, and after drying equilibrium those with 2 ~ 4% addition of flyash have lower porosities compared with the control sample.
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