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The comparison of GPS network solution based on different datum
Author(s): Kong Qiaoli, Guo Jinyun, Han Litao, Sun Yu, Geomaics College, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Surveying and Mapping Technology on Island and Reef State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping
Pages: 56-
Year: 2014
Journal: Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
Keyword: GPS network; free network solution; minimum constraint solution; constraining conference coordinates; fixing conference coordinates;
Abstract: In order to get reliable and credible adjustment results of GPS network,it is necessary to research the impact of different datum on the precision of GPS network solution. The main datums for GPS network solution include the free network solution,minimum constraint solution,constraining reference coordinates and fixing reference coordinates. The time span of observations we used is one week,and the observation sites include five IGS stations in mainland of China and an IGS station in Taiwan,they are, BJFS,CHAN,KUNM,SHAO,WUHN and TWTF. Four types of datum provided by Bernese software are used for the GPS network adjustment,and then impacts on various GPS network adjustment results from different types of datum are objectively analyzed. Finally useful conclusions are drawn for the selection of datum of GPS network solution.
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