Efficacy of Several Herbicides on Mikania micrantha
Author(s):ZHU Jian-yi, ZHOU Xiao-gang, CAO Ao-cheng, ZHAO Hao-yu, LIU Sheng-nan, HE Fa Pages:124-126 Year:2014
Issue:1 Journal:Weed Science Keyword:Mikania micrantha; herbicide; control effect; Abstract:The efficacy eight herbicides on Mikania micrantha was studied in a field experiment .Clopyralid 30%AS,tric-lopyr 480 g/L EC,glyphosate-triclopyr 70%SP and glyphosate 41%AS all provided good control ( above 80%) of M. micrantha based on coverage and fresh weight measured at 30 days after spraying .These herbicides were safe for rubber trees and their use can be promoted .