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Effect of light intensity on the growth and digestive enzyme activity of juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicas under two kinds of culture methods
Author(s): WEI Zi-zhong, ZHAO Wen, Liaoning Province Key Laboratory of Hydrobiology/College of Fisheries and Life Science, Dalian Ocean University
Pages: 237-
Year: 2014
Journal: Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
Keyword: juvenile Apostichopus japonicus; light intensity; compound Chinese medicine preparation; microbial preparation; growth; digestive enzyme activity.;
Abstract: The effects of light intensity( 0,1000,2000 and 3000 lx) on the growth and digestive enzyme activity of juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus under two kinds of culture methods( compound Chinese medicine preparation and microbial preparation) were studied. Results showed that the relative mass gain rate( WGR) and the specific growth rate( SGR) of juvenile sea cucumber were significantly affected by light intensity( P < 0. 05),and the orders of WGR and SGR( form high to low) of juvenile sea cucumber under different light intensities were 2000 lx > 1000 lx > 3000 lx > 0 lx. Under the same light intensity,the growth of juvenile sea cucumber under the two kinds of culture methods were significantly different( P < 0. 05),with the WGR and SGR of the Chinese medicine treatment being greater than those of the microbial treatment. The light intensity also significantly affected the digestive enzyme activity of juvenile sea cucumber. The order of amylase and lipase activity was 2000 lx > 1000 lx > 3000 lx > 0 lx,while that of protease activity was 1000 lx > 2000 lx > 0 lx > 3000 lx. Under the same light intensity,the digestive enzyme activities of the Chinese medicine treatment were generally higher than those of the microbial treatment.
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