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Journal Articles
Application of ultrasound-guided aspiration cytology combined with the liquid based cytology in the diagno-sis of necrotizing lymphadenitis
Pages: 138-140
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Journal of Southeast China National Defence Medical Science

Keyword:  ultrasound guideaspiration cytologyhistocytic necrotizing lymphadenitisliquid based cytology test;
Abstract: Objective To explore the cytological characteristics of necrotizing lymphadenitis in ultrasound -guided aspiration . Methods The suspicious necrotic lymph nodes on the body surface were aspirated using a 10 ml disposable syringe ( diameter 7 mm) with the percutaneous ultrasound guided .Samples were used for conventional smear ,and the needle residual specimens were injected in-to fixed solution for cells .The cellular slide was prepared by a liquid based cytology test ( LCT) .Results Fine needle aspiration cytol-ogy was used in the diagnosis of necrotizing lymphadenitis in 139 cases.Among these samples ,42 cases were carried out lymph node bi-opsy,and 37 cases were histologically confirmed as necrotizing lymphadenitis ,3 cases were hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue ,1 case was tuberculosis of lymph node,and 1 case was classical Hodgkin lymphoma (nodular sclerosis type).The accuracy rate of cytology was 88.1%compared with pathological results .Conclusion The correct diagnosis rate of necrotizing lymphadenitis with the fine needle as -piration cytology is high .This can reduce the operation for biopsy ,makes patients get early treatment ,and reduces medical expenses .
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