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Journal Articles
A New Explanation of the School Organization Change and its Route Choice from a Perspective of New Institutional Economics
Pages: 27-31
Year: Issue:  24
Journal: Research in Educational Development

Keyword:  school organizationreform pathinstitutional changenew institutional economics;
Abstract: Institutional arrangement is the core of the school organization. School Organization Change originated from the pursuit to the pursuit for the potential interests. At present the school organizational change path model is mostly compulsory change taking government as the main body. The school accepts passively change and response, lack of school organizational change and endogenous motivation arousal deficiency on school organizational change and endogenous dynamic wake. It is necessary to reform of school organization path eventually into induced change taking school-base as subject by breaking the existing compulsory path dependence. The role of government should be changed from innovators to educators to form an external excitation, and informal system construction should be strengthened to increase the internal power of school organizational change.
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