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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Debate of Deliberative Democracy Theory and Its Enlightenment
Pages: 27-32
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Journal of Taiyuan Normal University(Social Science Edition)

Keyword:  deliberative democracysystem of people’s congressconstruction of socialist rule by lawcollaborative civic society;
Abstract: Focus on the feasibility of deliberative democracy, the Western deliberative democracy theorists and their critics argue about deliberative democracy issues such as its connotation and characteristics, its conditions and infrastructure, its target and essence, its range and domain, its relationship with representative democracy, its facing problems and challenges in detail. It is of great advantage for China to study and learn from the theory debate on deliberative democracy, for whose enlightenment helps us comprehensively understand how to promote deliberative democracy and to attain the possible approach to practice Deliberative Democracy in China. As for China’s political development at present, we should lay a solid foundation for deliberative democracy from the three main aspects: to improve and perfect the system of people’s congresses, to strengthen the socialist construction governed by law and cultivate of collaborative civic society.
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