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The Research Progress of Near-infrared Spectroscopy Using in the Quantitative Analysis of Multi-component Complex System
Author(s): Ge Yiqing, Jiao Long, Zhang Qunzheng, Xi’an Shiyou University
Pages: 90-
Year: 2013
Journal: Guangdong Chemical Industry
Keyword: near-infrared spectroscopy; multi-component complex system; quantitative analysis; application statue;
Abstract: At present the bond of near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics will have good effects on processing multi-component complex system. The article describes that quantitative analysis of near-infrared spectroscopy, quantitative analysis methods include principal component regression, partial least square method and artificial neural networks. At last,the article mainly overviews the application status and development prospect of near-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics processing multi-component complex system in the area of petrochemical engineering,medical,agriculture,soil environmental monitor, salt-making and so on.
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