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Journal Articles
Marx’ s View of Nature:Profound Meaning and Contemporary Value
Pages: 388-391,396
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Changchun University

Keyword:  Marxview of natureprofound meaningcontemporary value;
Abstract: Marx’ s view of nature observes the natural world from subject or mankind , considering it as people ’ s perceptual activity-practice, so it has both subjective implication and practical implication;Marx’s view of nature insists on the dialectical unity between nature and history , and grasps the relation between human and nature from deep level of social relation , hence it has profound social and historical implication .Marx’ s view of nature is not out of fashion , and it has important value in theory and practice .In theory, Marx’s view of nature is helpful for us to understand Marxism , and in practice, it provides correct direction in the ecology civilization construction.
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