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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Governing by Doing Nothing---The Modern Social Management in an Ideal Way
Pages: 115-119
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)

Keyword:  governing by doing nothingmodern social managementan ideal waynature followed by Taoism;
Abstract: “Governing by doing nothing” ,created by Lao-tzu ,is a highly overview of modern social man-agement in an ideal way .The ideology includes the ideas that nature followed by Taoism ,self-evolving , self-correction and reducing excess and supplementing deficiency ,w hich provides effective solutions for modern social management .In China ,the ideology of modern social management should learn from the west actively .Meanwhile ,on the ground of China's reality to inherit the traditional resources is the more important thing .Only in this way ,can the social problems be solved effectively .To find the growing point of combining “China and Western” with“Historical and Modern” ,this will truly achieve the localization of social management ideology .
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