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Characteristic of elements in atmospheric particulate matters in air of Xinzhou City
Author(s): LIU Fengxian, PENG Lin, MU Ling, HU Dongmei, SHI Meixian, YANG Hua, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
Pages: 313-
Year: 2014
Journal: Environmental Chemistry
Keyword: atmospheric particulate matter; element; potential ecological risk; enrichment factor; principal component analysis.;
Abstract: Total suspended particle( TSP) and particulate matter( PM 10) samples were collected in Xinzhou during winter and summer and eighteen elements including Na,Mg,Al,Si,K,Ca,Ti, V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Cd and Pb were measured. The concentration,spatial and temporal distribution characteristics,potential ecological risk of heavy metals and the main source of these elements are studied. The result indicated that the concentration of 18 elements in TSP was 47662. 2 ng·m- 3and in PM 10 was 17546. 4 ng·m- 3. An order of potential ecological risk index of heavy metals in TSP was Cd > Cu > Co > Pb > As > Cr > Zn > Ni > Mn and in PM 10 was Cd > Cu > Pb > Co > Zn > Cr > As > Ni > Mn and the potential ecological risk index of PM 10 was higher than TSP. The main sources of elements in PM 10 in Xinzhou were divided into three categories including coal buring and industrial dust( 56. 30%),soil dust( 23. 88%) and the construction cement dust and vehicle emission( 19. 80%).
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