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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
The Rise and Fall of the Lake: the Development and Environment Evolution of Five-surname Lake in the East of Sushui River since Ming and Qing Dynasties
Pages: 79-88
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Agricultural History of China

Keyword:  Ming and Qing dynastiesfive-surname lakedevelopmentthe rise and fallenvironment;
Abstract: This paper analysed the relationship between the long marsh, Zhangyang pond, Jinxing marsh and five-surname lake. And then decides that the name of five-surname lake began at Ming dynasty. The large-scale development and utilization of five-surname also began at Ming dynasty. To protect the safety and interests of salt pond, the action of river diversion and dredging never considered the safety of five-surname lake. In the economic structure which is in around of salt pond, the five-surname lake existed as the part of flood control system. Human factors has strong impact on it. Hence, five-surname lake was always in the rise and fall state. The lake became dry not after modern.
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