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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Research on Harmful Algal Blooms Occurrence Characteristics and Control Countermeasures of the Coastal Waters in Qinhuangdao
Pages: 40-42
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of the Environmental Management College of China - EMCC

Keyword:  Qinhuangdaoharmful algal bloomsmicro algae bloomspico phytoplankton bloomsemergency management;
Abstract: The harmfu l algal blooms that occurred in coastal Qinhuangdao was mainly caused by micro-algae and pico-algae which broke out from May to September mainly. The main cause of harmful algal blooms was the nutrients in water. Combined with the geographical features of Qinhuangdao the control and emergency management of harmful algal blooms was: establishing scientific and effective emergency prevention system from the aspects of policy, law, institution, pre-arranged planning and methods et al.
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