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Journal Articles
Overview of Medication for Prostate Cancer
Pages: 22-24
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Drug Evaluation

Keyword:  Prostate CancerHormonal DependentHormonal Refractory;
Abstract: Development of prostate cancer (PC) could be divided into two periods. The first period of PC consists mainly of hormonal dependent tumor cells, and the second period of PC consists mainly of hormonal refractory tumor cells. Medications for the first period mainly include estrogen and analogs, medical castration of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-androgens therapy, maximal androgen blockade and intermittent hormonal therapy. Medications for the second period mainly include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, new anti-androgens and molecular targeted therapy. The medications for prostate cancer therapy was reviewed in this paper.
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