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Study on embryonic development and larval growth of Schizothorax biddulphi Günther
Author(s): GONG Xiao-ling, CUI Zhong-kai, WU Min-zhi, YIN Jian-guo, LI Yan, WANG Cheng-hui, Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources, Ministry of Education, Shanghai Ocean University, Xinjiang Bohu Reed Industry Co., Ltd, Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fishery Germplasm Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai Ocean University
Pages: 827-
Year: 2013
Journal: Journal of Shanghai Ocean University
Keyword: Schizothorax biddulphi Günther; embryonic; larval; development; growth;
Abstract: In this study,embryonic development and larval growth of Tarim schizothorax( Schizothorax biddulphi Günther) were observed by using artificial propagation techniques in Tarim schizothorax artificial breeding practice base in Qiemo County of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from April to June in 2012. The total of 68 thousand fertilized eggs ware obtained and the average rates of fertilization and hatching were 83% and 89% respectively. The fertilized eggs and embryonic development spent about 93 hours at water temperature of 16- 19 ℃,in which they experienced cleavage stage,blastula stage,gastrula stage,neurula stage,incubation stage and so on. The full length of newly hatched larvae was( 7. 29 ± 0. 18) mm. Four stages were observed for larvae fish growth during 25 day’developmental period. The development of every stage was found allometry by analyzing the specific growth rate of total length( LT),head length( LH), trunk length( LQ),tail length( LC),eyes diameter( D),body height( HB),head height( HH),wet weight( W). The quadratic equations growth characteristics were found in LT,TC,LH,HH,HB,D. Meanwhile,and body length and wet weight.
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