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Journal Articles
Conductive properties of conductive titanium dioxide/PA fiber
Pages: 1082-1085
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Functional Materials

Keyword:  conductive fiberconductive titanium dioxidesurface modificatioconductive mechanis;
Abstract: The surface of conductive titanium dioxide was treated by solution of sodium,then it was mixed with PA. Finally the conductive fiber was prepared through melt spinning. The conductive titanium dioxide can be well dispersed in the PA matrix and PA matrix’s compatibility was well after being treated. The conductive properties were studied,along with the result that it belonged to tunnel conductive when the ratio of the conductive titanium dioxide was lower than 7% and tunnel conductive and ohmic conductive combination of conductive when its concentration between 10% and 13%, while it was the ohmic conductive when the doping was greater than 13%
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