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Journal Articles
Questionnaire survey and analysis of pest control workers in Tianjin, China
Pages: 541-543
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control

Keyword:  Pest control operationPest control workerQuestionnaire survey;
Abstract: Objective To address the current issues of pest control operation(PCO) and pest control workers in Tianjin, Chinaand to promote the specialized and standardized development of PCO companies in Tianjin.MethodsA questionnaire surveywas conducted in 165 pest control workers who were trained in 2010-2011 to address their general concerns and to determinetheir awareness of pest control knowledge. One pest control worker was randomly selected from each PCO company.Results The pest control workers in Tianjin had a young age structure; there were still some workers with low educational levels; theworkers had short lengths of service and low wage levels. The PCO companies in Tianjin are small in size, have small marketcoverage and distinct regional characteristics, severe price competition in the low end market, and low degree of specialization.Some companies sought short term profits and had no operation standardization. The pest control workers in Tianjin had arelatively high awareness of fly and rodent control knowledge but a relatively low awareness of mosquito and cockroach controlknowledge, and their awareness of integrated control of insect borne diseases was particularly low.ConclusionThe PestManagement Association must regulate and provide professional training of pest control workers, and establish the principle thatchemical control is only part of the integrated pest management. It is necessary to promote category specific regulations forpesticides, adaptation of relevant regulations and standards, quality control of third part service, establishment of liabilityinsurance, etc., so that the PCO companies are transformed into pest management professional companies and are moreenvironment friendly, specialized, and institutionalized.
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