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Journal Articles
Sdudy of Graft Compatibility and Symbiosis for Tomato Stock Varieties
Pages: 65-66,68
Year: Issue:  22

Keyword:  tomato stockgraftcompatibilitysymbiosis;
Abstract: Five different tomato stock varieties(TA04,No.1baozan,TA08,No.1stock and Tolubamo)were used to graft with three different tomato scions(No.108 tomato,Ji’ao and Henly).The graft compatibility was judged by purvival percent and the graft symbiosis was confirmed by comparing the properties of grafting plants and scions including plant height,stem diameter,single fruit weight,fruit shape and yield.The results showed that TA04’s graft compatibility and symbiosis were the strongest and Tolubamo’s were the lowest among the 5 tomato stock varieties which should not to be used as tomato stock.The other three stocks were near the same.The results also showed that graft planting could effectivly guard against bacterial wilt and improve the output.
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