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Emission Characteristics of High-pressure Common Rail Diesel Engine Fuelled with Biodiesel
Author(s): MAO Gongping, WANG Zhong, WU Jing, LI Zhiyue
Pages: 62-
Year: 2013
Journal: Vehicle Engine
Keyword: biodiesel; emission; high-pressure common rail; diesel engine; contribution rate;
Abstract: The experiments of common rail diesel engine fueled with diesel ,waste cooking oil biodiesel and their blended fuel were carried out ,the power and emission performance of diesel mixed with 0% ,5% and 10% biodiesel (referred to as B0 ,B5 and B10) was compared and analyzed with ESC driving cycle .The results show that the engine power and torque decreases re-spectively by 3 .1% ,1 .5% for B5 and by 5 .3% ,2 .3% for B10 .The brake specific fuel consumption of B5 and B10 increases by 1 .1% and 1 .6% and the energy consumption decreases by 3 .5% and 6 .8% respectively .The brake specific emissions (BSE) ,weighted BSE and weighted average BSE of CO ,HC and PM decrease ,but the trend is opposite to NOx .The largest reduction of weighted average BSE for CO ,HC and PM are 9 .1% ,9 .7% and 7 .4% and the largest increase for NO x is 4 .9% . The contribution rate of CO ,PM and NOx are great at high loads and that of HC is high at low loads .Compared with the origi-nal engine ,the contribution rates between pollutants for biodiesel engine become more average .
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