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Journal Articles
The Application of Model Inversion to Silurian Reservoir Prediction in Tarim
Pages: 9-11
Year: Issue:  z2
Journal: Xinjiang Geology

Keyword:  SilurianKepingtage groupLow porosityLow permeabilityinversion;
Abstract: The main target of Tahe oilfield clastic block has been the Mesozoic.The oil and gas breakthrough of Siluri-an Kepingtage in shun9 well block not only brings new capacity positionsarea to Tahe oilfield,but also explores new ar-eas of exploration-sandstone of Paleozoic Silurian.The reservoir of this area is low porosity and low permeability,the im-pedance of sandstone and mudstone is partially superimposed.So,the reservoir prediction has great difficulty.Inversion as a common method of reservoir prediction can be quantitative with respect to other property methods. This paper uses the inversion method to predict sand body quantitatively for Tuofutai block of Tahe,and provides a strong basis for well deployment.
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