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Journal Articles
Hepatoprotective effect of magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate injection on patientsu ndergoing transcathe ter arterial chemoemblo ization
Pages: 18-20
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine

Keyword:  Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate InjectionLiver functionPrimary hepatic carcinomaTranscatheter hepatic arterial chemoembolization;
Abstract: Objective:To observe the hepatoprotective effect of Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate Injection on patients undergoing tran -scatheter arterial chemoembolization ( TACE) .Methods:A total of 46 patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma ( PHC) were random-ized to trial and control group .The control group received supporting treatment alone from the first TACE day ,while the trial group received Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate Injection 150 mg/d in combination with supporting treatment for 10 consecutive days .Results:The symptoms of two groups were significantly improved (P >0.05),but the improving days had significant differences (P<0.05).The trial group showed no significant differences in parameters of liver function before and after receiving TACE On days 3 and 7 after the completion of TACE,the total bilirubin level in control group was significantly higher than in trial group ( P <0.01),but slightly reduced on days 14, yet it was still higher than in the trial group ( P <0.05) On days 3 and 7 after the completion of TACE ,the ALT and AST levels in the control group ( P <0.01) were significantly higher than in the trial group ( P <0.01) , but reduced to the normal level on days 14;the ALB level began to decrease significantly from day 7 after the completion of TACE ( P <0.05),but rebounded slightly on day 14 , yet it failed to return to the normal level ( P <0.05) .Conclusion:Magnesium Isoglycyrrhizinate Injection could prevent hepatocellular damage and protect liver function and enhance patients'tolerance to TACE.
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