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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
On Social Survey Method of the Ethnomusicology Master Dissertation
Pages: 91-95
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of Sanming College

Keyword:  ethnomusicologysocial survey methodmaster dissertation;
Abstract: 604 Chinese ethnomusicology master dissertations which is used social survey method are investigated in this paper.The main research forms of the sample papers mainly are descriptive research,Chinese traditional music research and qualitative research.The main survey form is directional survey.Some problems also are found in these sample papers,such as: explanatory research and mixed methods research are scarce; pay no attention to the feasibility and suitability of selected topic; there is not use the best way to do fieldwork; "emic-etic" has not been used widely,and the field report rarely use "Insider-Outsider Interpretation" etc.
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