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Journal Articles
The Clinical Analysis of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Earaly Brasst Cancer with Methylene Blue
Pages: 1793-1794
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: Chinese Journal of Medical Guide

Keyword:  Breast CancerSentinel Lymph NodeMethylene Blue;
Abstract: Objective:To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in predicting the status of axillary. Methods:60 T1~T2 stage breast cancer patients with negative lymph node status by physical examination were in the group,intraoperative injection of methylene blue localization of sentinel lymph node and biopsy,underwent conventional axillary lymph node sissection postoperative pathological examination.Results:58 among 60 cases of breast cancer dectection SLN 58 cases with which the number of SLN was 107,the detection rate was 96.7%,the false negative rate was 9.5%,the sensitity was 90.5%,the accuracy rate was 84.5%;2 cases with age≥60y and BMI>25 failed.Conclusion:The technique of methylene blue staining of clinical feasibility SLNB,sentinel lymph node biopsy can accurately predict the axillary lymph node ststus.
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