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Journal Articles
Performance study of the PTFE-THGEM at room and low temperature
Pages: 42-46
Year: Issue:  11
Journal: High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics

Keyword:  THGEMPTFEcryogenic temperatureGPMpenning efect;
Abstract: GPM based on THGEM has shown its competitive strength compared to the conventional PMT, especially in the low background research such as dark matter detection. A kind of THGEM made from PTFE, named PTFE-THGEM, is developed for the GPM to be used in CDEX. The PTFE has a lot of advantages especially its low level radioactivity. The PTFE-THGEM was tested at room and cryogenic temperature. It has a high gain in diferent gases and shows good stability at room temperature. The gain of a single PTFE-THGEM reached 112 at 117 K. The penning efect is also discussed in this paper to explain the abnormal phenomena of the gain in diferent gases.
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