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Stability for Transmission Model of Computer Virus with Vaccination in Networks
Author(s): GE Shao-Ting, TANG Gong-You, YU Hao, YANG Xue, XU Qi-Lei, WANG Pei-Dong, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, College of Software Technical, Qingdao Unirersity, Qingdao Supervision and Testing Center of Product Quality
Pages: 110-
Year: 2013
Journal: Periodical of Ocean University of China
Keyword: computer virus; transmission model; equilibrium; stability;
Abstract: This paper considered stability for transmission model of computer virus with vaccination in networks.Firstly,we got the model of computer virus with vaccination in networks.The disease-free equilibrium and the disease equilibrium were first derived from the mathematical model.Then the sufficient conditions of stability for the disease-free equilibrium were obtained by the first Lyapunov method.And the sufficient conditions of stability for the disease equilibrium were given by disc theorem.Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the stability conditions.
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