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Journal Articles
The Hierarchical Model on Agent Interaction
Pages: 105-109
Year: Issue:  8

Keyword:  the Hierarchical Model on Agent Interaction (HMAI)AgentMulti-agent systemInteractionCommunicat ionCoor dination;
Abstract: The interaction problem is at the core position of researches on multi-agent systems. So the research on agent interaction mechanism is very important and fundamental. To this end ,the hierarchical model on agent interaction (HMAI) is proposed on the basis of studying the characteristics of agent interactive behaviors. There are four main layers in HMAI which contanis the layer of computer network protocol ,the layer of communication protocol ,the layer of interaction protocol and the layer of interactive strategy. The latter three layers are the emphases of this paper. Their concepts,theories and present status of research will be analyzed in detail. At the end of the paper ,some notes on comprehending HMAI and some work that should be carried on are discussed.
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