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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Transit Accessibility and Characteristics of Residents'Transportation Based on GIS
Pages: 98-105
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of South China Normal University (Natural Science Edition)

Keyword:  transit accessibilityresidents'transportationGuangzhou;
Abstract: Based on the urban public transport network data of 2011 and supported by the GIS software , the transit accessibility in communities is analyzed .Meanwhile , based on the survey data , how well the supply of public trans-port matches the transportation demand of community residents is explored .The results show that:transit accessi-bility in four sample communities in Guangzhou all present the distribution characteristic that it diffuses incremental -ly along the bus and subway routes network from community to all around; transit accessibility during the morning and evening peak hours is worse than that in other hours; the supply of public transport can basically satisfy the residents'public transport travel demand for work and leisure , but there are still some public transport unreachable areas beyond the maximal bearable commuting time;the supply of public transport can't meet the transportation de-mand of community residents for shopping .
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