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Precision Comparing and Analyzing Between ASTER DEM and 1∶50 000 National Digital Elevation Data
Author(s): SUN Liang, LIU Ping-zhi, ZHANG Wei-zhu, HOU Su-yuan, SUN Hao
Pages: 1-
Year: 2013
Journal: Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
Keyword: ASTER DEM; 1∶50 000 National Digital Elevation Data; reference point; section plane; precision analysis;
Abstract: ASTER DEM is produced by a stereo image pairs take by ASTER -a high resolution satellite .They cover most of the glob-al, and can rapid acquire data, and the quality is stable.However, its data accuracy and quality have some indetermination in our country district.ASTER DEM of Typical physiognomy character in Qinling containing high mountain and valley is selected , comparing with 1∶50 000 national digital elevation data , during collectivity statistic , reference point method and section plane method , the preci-sion of ASTER DEM is experimented and analyzed .The result shows that comparing with 1∶50 000 national digital elevation data , the error corresponding numerical value data distributing present normal distribution , the RMSE is 30.109358028165158 meters;the ele-vation value of the peak is lower , and the elevation value of the valley is higher .
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