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Mapping of Excellent Scientific Research Institutions in the Field of Library and Information Science in China
Author(s): Yu Fengmin, Tang Jianmin
Pages: 109-
Year: 2013
Journal: Journal of Intelligence
Keyword: library and information science; excellent scientific research institutions; research evaluation; word frequency statistics; mapping of knowledge;
Abstract: Applying word frequency statistics and visual mapping of knowledge, the article details an investigation of eight excellent scien-tific research institutions in the field of library and information science in China, including the School of Information Management of Wu-han University, the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the School of Information Management of Nanjing Univer-sity, the Department of Information Management of Peking University, the Department of Information Resource Management of Nankai U-niversity, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, the Center for the Studies of Information Resources of Wuhan Uni-versity, and the Department of Information Management of Sun Yat-Sen University. The article describes the numbers, core authors, funds, co-authorship, and the mapping of knowledge, etc, of their published papers collected by"Chinese Social Science Citation Index ( CSSCI)" in 2006-2011 and compares and analyzes these institutions of their commons and characteristics.
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