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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Gas Geological Features of Lower Group Coal Seams in Xingwu and Jinjiazhuang Coalmines, Liulin, Shanxi
Pages: 24-31,45
Year: Issue:  8
Journal: Coal Geology of China

Keyword:  lower group coal seamsgas hosting conditioncoal reservoir featuresgas outburst indexXingwu and Jinjiazhuang coalmines;
Abstract: Through analyses of gas hosting condition and coal reservoir features in the Xingwu and Jinjiazhuang coalmines, integrated regional data and mining situation of upper group coal seams, preliminarily assessed gas outburst hazard of lower group coal seams. The CH4 content in lower group coals is 0.05~4.63ml/g, average 1.48ml/g, concentration of CH4 1.42%~96.63%, CO20.51%~64.01%, N2 0.08%~68.20%, as a whole, CH4content is higher in the deep part;the coal Protodyakonov coefficients are all larger than 0.3, gas pres-sures all less than 0.74MPa, other indices partly at the critical value range, but the comprehensive assessment of lower group coal seams gas outburst overall index does not exceed the standard, thus small outburst hazard.
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