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Radio Emission Rf System of Signal Conflict Resolution Method
Author(s): Wang Chunsheng
Pages: 194-
Year: 2013
Journal: Bulletin of Science and Technology
Keyword: the radio emission system; Rf system; signal conflict;
Abstract: Radio emission rf system, radio frequency identification in conflict and collision caused by channel jam. In order to solve this problem, this paper puts forward a new kind of radio emission rf system rf tag anti-collision algorithm, the algorithm using from detection technology, the broadcast system of signal gap adjustment in advance, reduce the idle time. Using rf radio channel of label offset has been caused by the emission of radio frequency labels free time, can reduce the conflict of time at the same time, the greatest degree can well reduce the idle time, reduce the broadcast radio frequency identification delay of the system, and improve the work efficiency. Finally, the proposed algorithm of mathematical analysis and the simulation results, the simulation results show that the proposed rf tag anti-collision algorithm can be more effective to reduce conflicts time and leisure time, and thus to minimize delay recognition, improve the efficiency of system identification.
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