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Analysis of the causes of laparoscopic converted to open surgery in urology
Author(s): LI Zuo, NA Yanqun, HAO Jinrui, ZHANG Xiaochun, ZHOU Liqun, GUO Yinglu
Pages: 304-
Year: 2001
Keyword: 泌尿系疾病; 腹腔镜术; 外科; 手术;
Abstract: Objective To analyze the causes of laparoscopic converted to opensurgery in urology. Methods The study included 165 patients undergoing urologic laparoscopic surgery in our institute. A total of 26 patients(16%) converted to open surgery during the procedure. Results The primary causes of conversion to open surgery were missed target in 8 patients, discontent of intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal insufflation in 5, adherence in 5,hemorrhage in 4,injury of organ in 2 and malfunction of instruments in 2 cases. Different laparoscopic procedures had different proportion of conversion to open surgery.In laparoscopic adrenalectomy 42% of patients converted to open surgery (8/19), 25% in nephrectomy(2/8), 18% in renal cyst excision(11/61), 17% in pelvic lymphadenectomy of prostatic cancer(1/6),3% in varico-celectomy (2/60) and 19% in orchiectomy(2/11). Conclusions Selection of proper indication and laparoscopic approach, improvement of skill and adequate instruments are essential for urologic laparoscopy.
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