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Journal Articles
hou fan shen jing de jie po xue yan jiu
Pages: 31-37+116-117
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College

Keyword:  喉返神经甲状腺下动脉气管食管沟动脉分支甲状腺峡局部解剖甲状腺手术位置关系外科手术环甲关节;
Abstract: The manners of the topographical anatomy of the recurrent laryngeal nerve on the neck Were examined in 200 cases. The transverse width of most laryngeal nerves on the root of the neck was about 1.6 to 2.0 millimetre. 37.0±3.41% of the recurrent laryngal nerves were in the tracheo—oeso-phageal groove, more often, on the left side. The relationships between the recurrent laryngeal nerves and the inferior thyroid arteries were recorded. Most nerves were foud posterior to the inferior thyroid rteries, and many anterior to the inferior thyroid arteries, but fewer, passing between the main branches of the inferior thyroid arteries. There were marked differences between the right and the left. Extralaryngeal divisions of the nerves in 42.0±3.49% of 200 cases were reported. The neryes usually divided into two branches before they entered the laryex, pbint of divsion and the position of entering the larynx were observed.
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