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Journal Articles
sbr fa chu li yin ran fei shui de yan jiu
Pages: 56-62
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering

Keyword:  SBR methoddyeing wastewatermicro-electrolysis-SBR;
Abstract: Using Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR), Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC)-SBR and micro-electrolysis-SBR method, Contrast experiments to treat dyeing wastewater havebeen made separately. The results show that micro-electrolysis-SBR method is superiorto other two metheds. When the infeuent COD = 1 000 ̄ 1 600mg/L , BOD= 250 ̄400mg/Land color= 200 ̄ 400 times ,the removal rate of COD reached 85 % and the removal rates ofBOD5 and color were over 90%. The final effluent quality met the met the discharge standard.
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