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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
sheng tai xi tong yu chi xu nong ye
Pages: 1-7
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Resources Science

Keyword:  AgricultureEcologylEcosystemsSustainable development;
Abstract: From the point of view of theory and practice, this paper discusses the relationship between ecosystem and sustainable agriculture and presents that sustainable ecosystems are the bases of sustainable agriculture. In Part I "Expansion of Concept of Ecosystem and Sustainable Development", the points that the theory of sustainable development is driven from ecology, and the study of ecosystems and establishment of sustainable ecosystems provide basis for sustainable development are presented. In Part Ⅱ "Agricultural Ecosystems and Sustainable Agriculture",the definition, contents, major research fields and the relationship among them are discussed. In Part Ⅲ "Construction of Sustainable Agriculture in China", the establishment of approaches and technology for sustainable agricultural development of necessary research projects on general strategy, subsystems of sustainable agriculture and managerial models of demonstration in China are examined.
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