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Journal Articles
huan yang si tan de you bian xing yan jiu
Pages: 64-66+59
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Reproduction and Contraception

Keyword:  EpostaneMutagenicChinses hamster lung (CHL)Bone marrow of miceChromosomal aberration;
Abstract: Experlimental study of epostane was carried out in rats on pharmacology in interce-ptive effects,levels of plasma progesterone.This paper reports the mutagenic effect of epo-stane on chromosomal aberration in chinese hamster lung (CHL) cell in vitro and in bonemarrow cell in mice in vivo. The results showed that the chromosomal aberration frequencies of CHL cell induced byepostane were 4%,3%,2% in 24 hrs,with the S9 mix metabolic activation.Without S9mix metabolic activation,the chromosomal aberration frequencies were 4%,4% 2% in24h hrs,and 4%,3%,1% in 48h,at doses of 80 μg/ml,40 μg/ml,20 μg/ml respectively.Therefore, it was only 0~1% in all normal controls;but the positive group presentedhigh frequencies from 42% to 70%,and 2%,0.5% 0.2% at 960 mg/kg,480 mg/kg,240 mg/kg in bone marrow in mice. Since the occurrence of chromosomal aberration induced by epostane at all coses wasless and not statistically significant, the epostane had no mutagenic effect in animal cell invitro and in vivo.
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