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Journal Articles
gao kong bian ya ji suan fa de jian yi
Pages: 291-294
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Acta Meteorologica Sinica

Keyword:  计算法空变平均温度芝加哥平均密度温度差同大小象集山东大学三R;
Abstract: The method of the computation of the upper-air tendency field dueto Rossby[1]and Miller and Thompson[2]is marred by their arbitrarilycutting off of some terms wihch appear to be of the same order of mag-nitude but of the opposite sign.It is difficult,or practically impossible,to justify their method theoretically.In this paper,instead of using theequation of continuity as they have done,-we employ the advective con-servation of temperature for the derivation d the upper-air tendencyfield.It is ismilar but with some corrections.It is proposed that thisformula (10),instead of their orginal formula,may be used withadvantage for the work.
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