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Journal Articles
tuan tou zuo ran se ti de yan jiu
Pages: 487-492+502
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica

Keyword:  异形染色体对团头鲂有丝分裂相特殊染色体特大染色体组型小型染色体水生生物相对长度团头舫;
Abstract: Numbers of chromosome of mcyalobrama amblycephala Yih have been reported differently in papers published in recent years. Our observations of peripheral blood leukocytes collected from both sexes reveal:The diploid chromosome number is 2n=48.The karyotype consists of 8 pairs of metacentric chromosomes, 12 pairs of subme-tacentric chromosomes, 3 pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes and 1 pair of "special chromosomes". The "special chromosome pair" may consist of a pair of megachromo-somes in some individuals, or a pair of heteromorphic chromosomes--one megachro-mosome and one small chromosome-in others. The megachromosome or heterochro-mosome pair occurred in both sexes, obviously, they are not sex-chromosomes. The origin of the "special chromosome pair" is discussed.The secondary constrictions and satellites were only observed in some chromosomes of a few metaphase plates.
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