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Journal Articles
Wear Mechanisms of Kevlar Pulp Reinforced Phenolic Resin Friction Materials
Pages: 205-209
Year: Issue:  3

Keyword:  芳伦纤维酚醛树脂摩擦材料磨损机理;
Abstract: The wear mechanisms of two kind Kevlar fiber rein forced phenolic resin frictional materials were investigated by scanning electro n microscopic observation of the worn surface morphologies and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis of the compositions of the worn surfaces. As the results, the two kind frictional materials in sliding against cast iron counterpart show signs of adhesion wear and plastic deformation. The plastic deformation is accel erated at high sliding speed and normal load, which is accompanied by localized melting on the worn surfaces of the frictional materials. The inter-transfer be tween the frictional materials and the cast iron counterpart is also observed an d a transfer film of the frictional materials is formed on the counterpart surfa ce. It is easier for the transfer films of the frictional materials to form at h igher sliding speed and normal load. Kevlar fiber as the reinforcing agent helps to stabilize and lower the friction coefficient. The frictional materials is ch aracterized by slight scuffing, adhesion, and plastic deformation, in sliding ag ainst the cast iron counterpart.
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